IAS offer support all year round, however, sometimes, the way you will contact us will change. This is to ensure that when the office is closed, or you need help outside of usual office hours, you can get hold of us when you need us.
The quickest way to speak to us and get the help you need, is by contacting us on our helpline, which runs term time only, Monday- Thursday from 9.30am until 12.30pm. You should call 01204 546008 or 07715201798 and ask for Kirsty. Please note, we do not have a voicemail facility, so if your call isnt answered straight away, please do try again.
Outside of helpline hours, you can reach the team via webchat through this website (look for the little black speech bubble in the bottom right hand corner). This sends us your message directly, and these are replied to on the same day where possible, or the next working day at the lastest.
In school holidays and in the evenings and weekends, when our office is closed, you can email us on iasoutofhours@outlook.com. These emails are checked regularly, and you will be contacted by an officer within 48 hours.
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IAS operate a free helpline for families Mon- Thurs, 9.30am until 12.30pm. Please give us a call on 07715201798 when the helpline is open, and we will do our best to help.